
“Since starting to work with Speech Labs, I have recommended them to any number of founders and CEOs I advise.
— Desiree Gruber, CEO at Full Picture

“Speech Labs has been an incredible resource for me! I was able to significantly improve my communication after just one session and have been continually impressed and inspired ever since.”
— Michael Abbattista, Director of Product Partnerships, YouTube

Making your point is a crucial skill in the workplace. Whether you are preparing to go on TV, speak to an auditorium, or pitch your company to investors, 1-on-1 Speech Labs coaching will make you better—as it has for hundreds of CEOs and senior executives.

Work with us to enhance your presence, develop your confidence, improve the content of your speeches and presentations, and—quite simply—to become more convincing. From speeches to meetings, pitches to interviews, we will bring out the best in what you have to say.

Some clients want to work on a specific skill. Others are preparing for a particular presentation or media appearance. Others want general communications training, where we evaluate their speaking, writing, leadership, and presence, and enhance all these skills as a coherent whole. Whatever your goals, we'll create a completely personalized curriculum to achieve them. 

Our services include: