
In the first decade of their careers, professionals with four or fewer promotions made 45% more grammatical errors than those with six or more promotions. — Harvard Business Review

When you finally finish that document you’ve been writing for weeks, you have one task left: catching any errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or capitalization.

Proofreading is about credibility. It’s about avoiding embarrassment and letting your content shine through. According to a Harvard Business Review study from 2013, proofreading successfully advertises your attention to detail, your critical thinking, and your professionalism; sending out a document with errors, on the other hand, advertises exactly the opposite.

This one-day class teaches you the errors you’re looking for and the eight strategies you’ll need to catch them. Unlike your teachers in school, Speech Labs makes the necessary rules simple and memorable, and reinforces them with an efficient and entertaining day of practice. You will be shocked how easy grammar can be.

This class will help you master:

• Sentence grammar
• Subject-verb agreement
• Punctuation
• Capitalization
• Pronoun
• Word confusion and homophone errors
• Gender-neutral language
• Consistent formatting
• Eight easy and powerful proofreading strategies